Women Entrepreneurs Development Council is organising “WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS MEET” on May 2019 at Hotel Sahara Star, Mumbai, in association with SME Chamber of India, Start-Ups Council of India and Maharashtra Industrial and Economic Development Association.
This meet will provide unique opportunity to Women Entrepreneurs to establish and enhance business contacts with potential Entrepreneurs, to identify business partners and investors, to exchange business leads, presentation opportunity of products and services, brand and market, buyers, suppliers, manufacturers, service providers, strategic partners, distributors, franchisees, agents, clients, and share business ideas, innovation, invention and unique concepts for improvement of quality, productivity, competency and competitiveness.
Women Entrepreneurs Development Council will provide support and handholding to Women Entrepreneurs – Members to explore business opportunities, support for marketing and promotion of products and services at National and International Level, Channelise Bank Finance, Venture Capital, Private Equity & Investment, Executive Educational Programs for Improvement of Competency, Formation of groups of manufacturing, service, education and other sectors for development of business contacts.
Download Membership Form: Click Here
Strategies & Initiatives for Empowerment of Women Entrepreneurs
Entrepreneurial leadership qualities – importance and strategy
Business Transformation Strategies for sustainable Growth
Accelerating Business growth – opportunities, trends and threat
Manufacturing Industries: Challenges and opportunities
Art of Surviving in the Competitive Era: Challenges, Trends & opportunities
Family managed business – Role and Challenges for women entrepreneurs
Role and efficiency for effective Boardroom Mastery
Women entrepreneurs : Passion, Purpose and Perseverance
Support for wealth creation and management
Talent and Business Skill - A New Era for Growth
Rural Women Entrepreneurs – Challenges, Opportunities and hurdles
Finance and Investment opportunities for Women Entrepreneurs
Marketing, Branding & Digital Transformation for Business Growth
Image Building Strategies for women entrepreneurs
Cultivating of Smart Women Entrepreneurs
Members – Rs.4,000/- + 18% GST (Payable Rs. 4,720/-)
Non- Members – Rs.6,000/- + 18% GST (Payable Rs. 7,080/-)
10% Discount for 3 or more Delegates from same company
Participation Fee includes – Networking Breakfast & Lunch