Membership Advantages

Enrollment as a Member / Subscription to Newsletters, Receive regular information regarding Conference, Programs and Activities

Opportunity as the member/subscriber to attend and involve in various activities for networking, contact building, exchange of business information, knowledge sharing, present issues and problem, suggestions and recommendations.

Certificate of Membership

Recommendation for business visa for Member and senior executive of the Company to Embassies and Consulates.

Discount on participation fee for Seminars, Training Programs and Conferences for Company Executives.

Opportunity to promote Products or Services or New Business Activity amongst members and associate companies by way of E-mailer, company profile in delegate kit, presentations, display or standee and booth at various conferences, seminars and Training Programs at concessional charges specially for life members.

Recommendation letters to Government Agencies, Banks, Corporates and other concerned authorities

Eligibility for applying “Women Entrepreneurs Business Excellence Awards”

Resolution of issues and problems related to industry and business

Opportunity as the speaker or panelist at various Conferences, Training Programs and Seminars to share knowledge and experience as per your expertise, interest and theme of the activity.

To share articles in "Women Entrepreneurs Connect Magazine"(3 articles per year).

20% discount for advertisement in Connect Magazine

Opportunity to join as the Member of delegations to visit various countries for business promotion and building connectivity

Who can become member?

Women Entrepreneurs

Chair person, Managing Directors, CEOs, Directors, Start-Ups

Prospective Entrepreneurs,

Manufacturers, Exporters, Proprietors, Partners

Senior Executives from Corporate, MNC’s, Financial Institutions, SMEs,

PE & VC Funds, HNIs & Investors

Professionals, Consultants and Advisory service providers

Representatives of SME & Family Offices, Young Women Entrepreneurs

Technocrats, Thought leaders, Researcher, Retired Senior Executives

Become a Member

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